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Inserisci un annuncio se vuoi percorrere una Via ferrata in compagnia.

Re: Deleted post

Messaggioda Fitman » 17/05/2015, 19:38

Si stava scherzando, dai! Se non conosci la lingua come fai a riconoscere una goliardata da un'offesa? Nessuno t'ha offeso, credimi! :uhaemo: :D :naaemo: :botemo: :mrgreen: :tort: :piaemo: ;)
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Iscritto il: 22/03/2014, 17:16

Re: Deleted post

Messaggioda dokkodo54 » 18/05/2015, 7:48

Hi Peter,
don't be angry!
A lot o people here likes to joke, but no one are insulting you, trust me.
We are on, but not all people here likes ferrata, or, better, not all kinds of ferrata.
So, when someone talks about paths like those of your post, automatically they start to joke.
Please, let me to explain you some terms you've probably misunderstood (using Google Translate sometimes is difficult to understand the real meaning):

"il bigliettaio": probably fedipos was thinking to my post on "Osteria Alpina" (a place reserved for jokes) where I made the hypothesis that in a near future the ferrata in Italy will not be free any more.

"toro seduto": is not "sitting bull" but "Sitting Bull", the famous Sioux tribal chief. It's not an insult, but probably fedipos was thinking about your expression...

"alpinioni" : I'm sure that Google Translate can't manage this :lol: . It's a composite word that fedipos uses to joke about people he loves in a particular way: a category of people who, because of pulling on the cables, they believe to be mountaineers.
It's not an insult too, but simply a way that fedipos uses to remember you that climbing on ferrata could be fun but it is not mountaineering.

So, enjoy your tour, and have fun.
Thank you for sharing your experience.

"Alpinisti si nasce, come si nasce navigatori o poeti" (Riccardo Cassin)
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Messaggi: 919
Iscritto il: 07/12/2014, 22:56
Località: alle pendici dell'Appennino, fra Mòdna e Bulåggna

Am I in the right forum, or not?

Messaggioda Peter » 18/05/2015, 9:50

Hi dokkodo,

First of all, a big thank you for answering me in English. You are the first Italian(?) I met, who can speak English. I have spent more hours in nature and out in the mountains than most persons, I am a freelancer so I can afford the free time, but never stated that I am a mountaineer, nor a climber. I have registered on this forum hoping to find climbing partners. Instead I got a few people joking about me and the via ferrata I have made.

It is interesting to note, that the via ferrata L'Escale a Peille is considered a path, talking about, people would automatically start to joke. In reality it is a very hard via ferrata D/E, with extreme parts, with 244 m level difference on mostly vertical rock faces. The only path I have made in Italy was The path of the Smugglers Massimiliano Torti, and I have to admit that L'Escale a Peille is a joke compared to the Contrabbandieri path. We had no rope with us, so could only make the portion between Regina Mundi and the guestbook. It was insane.

By the way, we had to pay 3 EUR admission fee pro person at the real "il bigliettaio" in the center of the village. At the other french via ferrata, Le grande Fistoire, we had to pay 5 EUR each.

Thanks for explaining the meaning of the misunderstood terms. I understand now. However, I would be very careful joking with strangers. You can insult somebody without wanting. Even if somebody knows your language, he must live in your country, to understand local humour.

If you have a place reserved for jokes on this forum, why not joke there? I simply wanted to find here some companions to climb via ferrata with, and shared my video to prove that I am a real person and actually make my via ferrata trips.

What do you think, am I in the right place (forum), or not?
Sitting Bull - Toro Seduto
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Messaggi: 11
Iscritto il: 12/04/2015, 11:51

Re: Deleted post

Messaggioda dokkodo54 » 18/05/2015, 16:28

you are welcome.

I agree with you, it could be very difficult to joke with someone living in another country.
This is expecially true, I think, for Italians.
We are a very fantasious people using a very complicated language, with lots of double-senses.
Sometimes our sentences are so criptic as to be misunderstood by ourselves, so we should be very careful when we joke with strangers...

Peter ha scritto:
If you have a place reserved for jokes on this forum, why not joke there? I simply wanted to find here some companions to climb via ferrata with, and shared my video to prove that I am a real person and actually make my via ferrata trips.

What do you think, am I in the right place (forum), or not?

This forum section is specific to find climb partners, so, I think you are in the right place.
But I always climb alone on via ferrata, then probably I'm not the right person to answer your question.
Maybe you are in the right place of the wrong forum ( :lol: :lol: :lol: - now I'm kidding too...)
You would better ask your question to other users...

"Alpinisti si nasce, come si nasce navigatori o poeti" (Riccardo Cassin)
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Messaggi: 919
Iscritto il: 07/12/2014, 22:56
Località: alle pendici dell'Appennino, fra Mòdna e Bulåggna

Re: Deleted post

Messaggioda fudos » 18/05/2015, 20:37

adesso si è anche internazionali, in pura lingua inglese :maaemo: :tieemo: :mmemo:
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Iscritto il: 03/11/2011, 7:45

Via ferrata recommendations

Messaggioda Peter » 18/05/2015, 20:59

I was recently asked on Facebook, by an Italian, if L'Escale a Peille is an adventure park. Then I suddenly realised the source of our misunderstanding. French via ferratas are so different from the Italian ones. Italian via ferratas are more traditional ones, mostly in high mountains, with beautiful vistas. Am I right? On the other hand, French via ferratas have zip lines, different kind of bridges, and lot of fun elements. I am into both types of via ferratas. Could you please recommend me some Italian via ferratas?
Sitting Bull - Toro Seduto
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Messaggi: 11
Iscritto il: 12/04/2015, 11:51

Pura lingua inglese?

Messaggioda Peter » 18/05/2015, 21:15

fudos ha scritto:adesso si è anche internazionali, in pura lingua inglese :maaemo: :tieemo: :mmemo:

Sorry, I could write you in 3 other languages, but would you understand it? I do not speak Italian yet, but I want to learn in the near future. Is it against forum rules to use English? Or do you accept only Italians here? Hmm...
Sitting Bull - Toro Seduto
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Messaggi: 11
Iscritto il: 12/04/2015, 11:51

Re: Via ferrata recommendations

Messaggioda matgale » 19/05/2015, 8:57

Peter ha scritto:I was recently asked on Facebook, by an Italian, if L'Escale a Peille is an adventure park. Then I suddenly realised the source of our misunderstanding. French via ferratas are so different from the Italian ones. Italian via ferratas are more traditional ones, mostly in high mountains, with beautiful vistas. Am I right? On the other hand, French via ferratas have zip lines, different kind of bridges, and lot of fun elements. I am into both types of via ferratas. Could you please recommend me some Italian via ferratas?

Hi Peter,
If you look around the website, you can find a lot of "Ferrate"divided for areas or mountain group. Probably is better for you decide what area prefer to visit and after ask which ferrata is recommended in that specific area.
However, in the Dolomiti area you can find Traditional "Vie"in High mountains and beautiful panorama or see the rest of the first world war (for example).
Is important for you understand your level of preparation in dealing with a mountain route. Is very different do a french via ferrate or a mountain route where the via ferrata in only a part of a larger tour. The experience and the knowledge regarding the material, weather or terrain conditions are very important factors.
Usually before to start with a certain types of paths is better do a "school" of preparation with authorized persons (Es. Corso CAI)or with person with a big background like "Fedipos".

Ciao and sorry for my poor english...
Find your spirit
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Iscritto il: 09/11/2011, 15:53
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Re: Deleted post

Messaggioda Arterio Lupin » 19/05/2015, 12:47

Dear Peter,

Here you can use the language you like.

Perhaps, using English, only part of the members shall give a real reply to your posts... They usually joke a bit, we all like kidding...

As far as the language to be used here are concerned, don't worry.... Just pick up the one you prefer, someone can answer without thinking too long and without using Google translate.

You already got the point you needed: there is a great difference between the classical "via ferrata" and the modern "French-style" ones...
If you happen to be in the Dolomites, I have something to suggest...
By the way... Where are you from exactly?
Arterio Lupin

Re: Deleted post

Messaggioda Arterio Lupin » 19/05/2015, 13:03

By the way...

Go back to the main page and introduce yourself, please.

You deleted yout presentation, so... Do it again!!!


Arterio Lupin


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